Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The march goes on...

So my rush has slowed a little, but the march is still moving uphill. I'm riding a winning streak of about a week now. Not one losing day in over a week! I've got my bankroll up to it's highest point in several months, and just one week before leaving for Vegas baby!

Finished just out of the money in a 30 mtt yesterday. I went to the final table as the second stack and got caught on every one of my all-in calls. I had a mid pocket pair 3 times and all three times I called an all-in by one of the short stacks. All three times the A or K or Q hit the board and it crippled me. Then when I moved in with AQ against a pair of 9's, the 9's held up. That one just wasn't meant to be.

I also moved up a level to $.25/$.50 blinds in my ring game. No difference in the level of competition, just moving up to keep inline with my bankroll. Soon I'll move up to $10 sng's as well.

Finished 1st in a $5 sng this morning before work. It was one of those games where it was a steady rise to the top. Stayed in one of the top 2 spots the entire tournament. Got into heads up with a solid chip lead and flopped a set of Q's. The other guy thought I was bluffing when I bet half the pot, so he reraised me, I called. Then the fourth Q came down on the turn giving me four Q's. He pushed all in, and that was it. Not the best spot for a guy to bluff. ;)

With hockey season in full swing, it's hard to find as much time to play poker in the evenings. I usually play one tournament in the morning before work along with a ring game. After work, I usually get another tournament in and another ring game. That's about it these days.


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