Whew, a rough weekend at the tables could have been much worse. I started out on Friday playing well. Winning a couple bucks here a couple bucks there. Playing a real tight game with a few tricky plays mixed in for fun. Then it happened. The table from hell. It seems like the story is always the same after the fact. Top pair, top kicker facing a huge reraise. Shit. Gotta lay it down, play the system, keep it real. Whew, ok, probably got out of one there. Few hands later, sweet! Top pair, top kicker! Big reraise again. Shit. Gotta lay it down, play the system, keep it real. Hmm... that was the same guy. Ok. Watch him. Few hands later. Top pair, top kicker! Big reraise again. Not this time punk! Call. Big raise, oh wait, he just went all in. Hmm.. the turn didn't help me and it probably didn't help him. Call. Oh, he flopped a set. I'm broke. Every once in a while this situation happens. The situation where you lay it down to the same guy several times and finally you can't take it anymore and you stand up to him. Of course it's when he actually has his hand. The more I think about this situation, the more I think, the better play is to make your stand the first time this happens, rather than the third or fourth. Only because, 1. you might have the best hand. 2. you show you can't be pushed around even if you don't have the best hand. You might still lose all your money on that hand, but at least you didn't establish a weak table image before losing all your money. This is also probably flawed logic from a complete amature player, but from my limited experience, it seems to me, in the words of Neil Young... "It's better to burn out, than to fade away"
So it was a poor weekend. But I mounted my comeback this morning by making a 33% profit on my buyin to a ring game and a 100% profit from a 10man sng. Almost made back what I lost in that one hand last night. :(
I'm gonna really need to stick to a very tight game plan in Vegas, so I might as well start now and make sure I'm prepared. I've read that online play is much looser than live play. That hasn't exactly been my experience to date, but look at the guys I play with! They're all insane. ;) In a ring game in Vegas, I'm expecting that a tight game should at the very least keep me playing most of the weekend on my limit bankroll.
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