Friday, October 14, 2005

And as quick as the rush started, it has ended.
Last night I had the wind knocked out of my sails at the poker table. I've been playing a level above my regular level due to my sudden jump in bankroll. After last night, it's time to step back down and regroup. I dropped about $50 in a ring game and another $10 in tournaments. The good news is that I don't think it was due to poor decisions, but rather a case of getting good hands beaten by better hands. My biggest weakness is not to know when to back down when I'm the lead bettor. For instance, I'll flop top pair, top kicker. I'll bet, get called, then bet again on fourth st., get called then bet again on the river and either get called or reraised. If I get called, my opponent might have me beat or he might not, if I get reraised, if it's a small raise, I'll call and usually be beat. If it's a big raise, I'll lay it down, but it's too late, I've already put so much money into it. I'm still doing very well over the past 2 weeks, but this was the single biggest loss I've had in a long while. No surprise since I'm playing at a higher level. Back to the drawing board this weekend. I'm into my final week before Vegas and I need to make sure my game is sharp.


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