Life was grand.
We were loungin around in the huge jacuzzi outside our hotel hut thingy. The sun was great, the air was perfect, the water warm and the company stimulating. Lots of European's in the Dominican Republic. We were chatting up mostly Brits, Germans and French. We did this the first day and a half of our stay! We were through our second day and we haven't even made it 40 feet from our room! We also hadn't had much to drink. It was the second day when we decided we need to kick it into gear and start having some drinks and find the nightclub (or disco as it was called).
Curious event #2
Where the hell is our room key?? We must have left it at the dining area. So we check with the front desk and at first they say they found it, but then they change their story and say they didn't. Strange. At this point we were getting a little worried considering our safe was in our room and our money/passports etc was in our safe. So we found the old concierge type guy who was pretty friendly to us earlier and seemed like a stand up guy. He promised to take care of it for us. Sure enough, after a bit he produced our room key. We checked out our room and everything was still there. Whew! Dodged one there.
So 8pm rolls around and we're already pretty ripped. So we find the disco and do what any half drunk 20-something single guys would do. We found the hottest mother/daughter combo in the place and started hitting on them like we were all gonna die tomorrow! Oh, but we didn't realize they were mother daughter right away. Basically, we met them on the dance floor. They were british. Both were pretty cute. The daughter looked older than she was and the mother looked younger than she was. So after some idle chatting, we each picked one and we split up to get to know these girls better. I was wooing the mom, while BAJ was wooing the daughter. At some point, I figured out that the girl I was putting my smooth moves on was the mother of the the other one. I think it was when she told me "That's my 16 year old daughter btw", the second time when I figured it out. ;) It was at that point when I was having trouble containing my laughter because I could see BAJ was in full gear chatting up his new found mark. Things started getting pretty foggy for me around that point, but I guess at some point we all had a good laugh over the minor misunderstanding. Both girls were probably flatered with the attention and of course we were perfect gentlemen. Interesting side note to this story, I swear to god I say the daughter again in the airport in Sydney Australia, two years later. She had a distinctive hairstyle. I could have been wrong, but that's not nearly as interesting. But seriously, I'm sure it was her.
At some point that night, some hotel security guys got on stage to give us some information about hurricane George that was going to hit the island. We had heard about it earlier, but were told it was hitting the other side of the island and we were ok. These guys basically said that, but they told us that if it changed course, they would call our rooms in the morning to tell us to come to the function hall area, under the hotel for breakfast. They repeated the story in several languages, but the part I remember the best was the Italian guys complaining because they didn't say it in Italian and they didn't fully understand.
So, my memory of the rest of that night is pretty spotty. I know we left the disco around 2am and headed back to our room, then decided to go back to the disco and then ended up staying there until about 4am. My next memory is the phone waking us up in our room. It was storming pretty bad outside. I remember thinking, "this hurricane stuff isn't too bad" They told us to come down to the function area under the hotel for breakfast. We were in little huts that were seperate from the main hotel, so we had to walk in the rain and wind to the hotel. We made it down and ate a light breakfast. We were still very drunk actually. So we figured it was ok to go back to our room and sleep it off since they did say breakfast.
So we wake back up again around noon and now we understand what they mean by hurricane. Actually the patio doors were being pounded with wind and rain. Branches and debris were flying around outside. We were actually really worried that the patio door was just gonna bust in, so we hid around the corner in the bathroom. We called the front desk to ask them when we should come to the storm shelter and they got a bit upset with us because they already called us at 9am! We thought that was just for breakfast! So they sent these three guys to our room with a huge rope that they tied around us and they literally dragged us through the storm to the shelter. It was kinda cool. We had to stop at certain spots and plan our moves towards the hotel. LOL
This is getting long. So I'll continue later...